Tag Archives: France

‘Context is everything’ explains Trevor Noah after ‘France is African’ World Cup statement upsets French ambassador

Trevor Noah’s response to France’s ambassador is a lesson in context. The French national team can be both French and African. 

Donald Trump tweeted about the 2026 World Cup bid and it is as helpful as you would expect

France has announced its support of Morocco’s bid for 2026. France is NOT voting for the United States-led bid.

Eric Cantona

Footballers Who Think About Racism, Immigration, Islam, Economics, and… Those Who Don’t Think Of That At All.

“It seems to me that all this is linked to the economic crisis. It seems to me that if there hadn’t been a crisis in 1929 then Hitler would never have obtained power. And unfortunately, during crises, people fall into despair, they don’t know anymore what to hang on to and all this gives birth to extremism.”

China Must Bid For The World Cup (oh, and the U.S., too), says challenger to Blatter

A future FIFA must boost the sport in ‘developing’ nations with huge populations previously ‘neglected’ by the world governing body. Specifically: India, China, Indonesia, and the United States…

A Short Film About the Greatest World Cup Game of All-Time (possibly)

Michel Platini apparently said after the game he thought Battiston was dead. When told after the game that Battiston had lost three teeth, Schumacher said: “If that’s all that’s wrong with him, I’ll buy him the crowns.”